I was talking to probatus last night, and it sounds like we are both going to get together in march to host one huge Mega FPS, Garage LAN, and any other clans that want to come LAN Party.
In total, we could prolly host up to 120 people on a gigabit network.
Souinds liek we are currently going to be asking for major sponsorage at the event.
So this will soon be a thread for the Mega FPS-Garage LAN Combo LAN.
yeah, WoW ISNT LAN poison despite what some people think
when people are awake, you dont play WoW
when they arent, why the hell not play it, its not like its using much bandwidth, i was playing FF7 SP at the last LAN i was at, just as something to fill the time while all the nubs sleep
The router MegaFPS owns has a specific ability to open and close ports for games. WoW is possible to be blocked, but I doubt it will happen. When people see others engaging in a fun 30 man battlefield game (or other game) they will want to join in. Everybody has *borrowed* copies you can use for the LAN. And lots of them are learning so it's not like you will be the only new person there.
Honestly I have no problem with WoW anymore. I mean it still makes me sick to see it but I'm not here to kill anyones buzz. So if you want to play WoW while we're going through some crazy tournament or playing a cool game go ahead and ruin the fun of going to a LAN. Just as long as you don't try to force me to play it.
I'm a man. I do manly things. Like drink vodka straight, while doing 1 armed chin-ups, and punching baby bunnies. All at the same time.
I wasn't even WoW's bitch when I was playing it. The game was retarded boring to me the whole time. But if you feel that you need to use a part of your life advance an electronic character through a 2nd life than all the power to you. It's just not for me.
WoW will NOT be blocked at the LAN.
I'm a man. I do manly things. Like drink vodka straight, while doing 1 armed chin-ups, and punching baby bunnies. All at the same time.