I think the holiday weekend works better than non, i get a 4 day break and thus have time before and after the lan to rest/hang out with friends/appease family so they wont complain. But I think you should go with what the majority wants (not sure what they want). If you do move it I probably wont be able to make it.
The weekend after I have a scout cubaree to attend, so it's still a nogo. Then busy the next couple of weeks too. I prolly won't be able to attend any big lans till maybe mid to end of June.
I can't go the vacation is gonna be requiring my attention friday also my apologies.. i hear your rebooking lan anyways... o ya and just so you know... i will be back may 28 so if you get this thing going first weekend of june or anytime in june I will be there for the full THING!
i will still hold this lan for those remaining on the list, if the lan ends up slow we can shorten the length of it a little.. howevere friday/saturday are full go