You know, typically... I am willing, available to move the tables.
But just so you know, I already committed the trailer to another GL'er. Otherwise I would've been there volunteering first thing James.
But it should work out find with Zero borrowing his work's truck.
Uberenergy wrote:Yeah, you're better off then most with a dead Hd.... perfect excuse for a fresh xp install (min one person per lan needs to qualify it as a real lan has to do a install), download updates, drivers, copy back only games played at this lan and boom up and running by Friday evening, nice and stable
2 hours max I'd think of downtime if you're bit of a noob
2 hours... are ya sure about that.. well i guess for a lan you don't need to configure everything to your personal likings ya right hell probably within an hour you can be playing games... err the 1 you juyst installed lol
cause it would take me 4-5 hours to install all my crap iwth a frech install and shit unless i just backed up all my gameing folders on other hard drive copy them over and bang good to go... but reinstalling shit it what takes the most time...grr and then you need a 500 meg patch... (battlefield 2142) grrrr... lol ya you right you can be up and running in 2 hours but not full configured wtih all software installed like the hdd you just crashed
you need to learn about partitions and installing shit that makes no registry entries to your non-system drive. reinstalling windows takes 1 hour here, with all my shit installed on other drives.
latency wrote:you need to learn about partitions and installing shit that makes no registry entries to your non-system drive. reinstalling windows takes 1 hour here, with all my shit installed on other drives.
umm i do know about partitions i have 2 of them... and not all applications work correctly or work at all without a full install of the application
and windows install shouldn't take an hour unless your on an antique system that little counter that say how much time is left it lies to you YES THATS RIGHT IT"S SPEEDS UP TIME>> AND MAKES 25 mins and hour muahahaha