I never put serial numbersMark wrote:Do you HAVE to fill out every serial number? or any at all? I'm pretty confident no one will get past the solid set of peering eyes in GL row.
in fact I do shorthand of my equipment on 2 lines usually.
They don't really care...
/l、 SpammerAssassin is built on JBASH (Jason Bourne Again Shell)
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Good Times
That was a good time!!!!. Scetr i hope you shower now hehehe....
My Color is Black
I value power, ambition, and darkness. I love power at any cost and am a corrupting influence on those around me. At my best I am resourceful and unashamed. at my worst, I am parasitic and amoral. My symbol is a skull, my color is black.
I value power, ambition, and darkness. I love power at any cost and am a corrupting influence on those around me. At my best I am resourceful and unashamed. at my worst, I am parasitic and amoral. My symbol is a skull, my color is black.
nobody yelling?? no big fights???
what about the constant bottle dropping parades
and the cs punch out???
haha oh well those were comedy actually, well the punch out at least. wish i got to see it. wish someone filmed it!
but yeah, of the 2 i've been to, 3, including the one i visited, yeah i agree it was the best. sponsor participation was the biggest i've seen yet.
p.s. i didnt know Id10t was GL, more points to GL for prize takehomes!
i can't believe my name came up in the random. i was totally not even crossing my fingers, i never get that lucky! if only it was for a 8600 gtx so i coulda SLI'd my new rig up. oooooh well, that woulda been twilight zone lucky.
fun times
what about the constant bottle dropping parades
and the cs punch out???
haha oh well those were comedy actually, well the punch out at least. wish i got to see it. wish someone filmed it!
but yeah, of the 2 i've been to, 3, including the one i visited, yeah i agree it was the best. sponsor participation was the biggest i've seen yet.
p.s. i didnt know Id10t was GL, more points to GL for prize takehomes!
i can't believe my name came up in the random. i was totally not even crossing my fingers, i never get that lucky! if only it was for a 8600 gtx so i coulda SLI'd my new rig up. oooooh well, that woulda been twilight zone lucky.
fun times
there was a CS punch out? Honestly CS doesn't concern most of the people that go to Fraga. There's always a debate over whether or not it should be an official tourney. It won't be long before CS is gone and is replaced by a much better game. Rainbow Six: Vegas would have been a better choice but that was a pretty small tourney.
Re: Good Times
WTF, I had a hotel room to sleep in. I didn't sleep on the floor (that was 4 years ago). Anyway, yah, I did shower you big goof.ID10T wrote:That was a good time!!!!. Scetr i hope you shower now hehehe....
Die in an intense laser fire.