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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:03 pm
by ID10T
And No one likes a quitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scetr is the prime example, just when you think he is done he hides build up and hits you. he has been the only guys that is just a pain in the butt to put out of the game.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:54 pm
by zeroumus
need password
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:54 pm
by rob[GL]
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:14 pm
by zeroumus
i self destructed my t4 artillary before your gay bombers got it , naaa naaa
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:04 am
by ID10T
So Last night’s Game went somewhat like this.
We ended getting more people than anticipated. So we teamed up. BigDaddydave and I up against Zeromus, Scetr, Trythis1. Our strategy was a very basic. BigDaddy keep bugging Scetr. While Kent Turtled and gave support to Scetr.
Now Zeroumus would not let up at all, and was a general Pain the ass. he destroyed my Ship yards ( real nice buddy can't we just get along ) I had roughly 6 T4 Bettles (i can't recall the real name of them) and 4 Monkeylords. lauched them he of course repelled my first attack with air Superiority ( good going ) had to change tactics i then rushed him 40 minutes later with 14 Bettles and 4 Monkeylords hehehe put him back into stone age but NO and I Mean NO, Zeromus built a few Firebases by that time. So i figured he wasn't too much of a challenged i moved my attention to Scetr, Bigdaddydave took control of the sea and started pounding him with a few battleships. I flew in 3 groups of bombers take out some power plants (Econ damage is always my first target) Bigdaddydave moved in 4 monkeylords and cleard the Anti air that was scaring me. once the air was out i moved in with 6 Bettles. Somebody had a nuke and hit bigdaddydave and took his power and MASS. And I believe it was who was Scetr was pounding him all this time with a T3 Arty. within 2 minutes Scetr was complete obliterated as his Commander was assassinated. During that attack i moved in 22 Bettles 6 Monkeylords close to Trythis1. I went in a suicide bombing run. Manage to take out only 1 power plant ( NICE AIR D by the way) 4 minutes later well trythis1 blew up. Then End of game one
Game two
i was Scout Planed Spammed to the point where it took 5 minutes just to move my ENG's into place to build a NUKE. I nuke everyone. Very cheap i know. but I rarely nuke people and it would take 20 minutes just to get my attack force into range. at one point I couldn't see my base from the Anti air going off killing there scout plans I think I counted 7 Lines of them coming into my base.
Of course this was just my point of few. Of what happened. I would like to see another.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:07 am
by AlphaDrake
Sounds like fun, I've played with Zeroumus and dragonfire at their last LAN, I might have to join you guys sometime.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:24 am
by ID10T
Yes it is fun, the more people involed only make the game more exciting. and of course learning new skills by watching the replays can be very important. I consider my self really good at the game but i didn't get there because i'm smart. i learnt different technque's to improve my game. Hell even Scetr got me to use the Cybran race over the Aeon.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:37 pm
by zeroumus
those where awesome games, we are all getting better
this game is REALLy gonna kick ass when we have powerfull enough hardware to play large games
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:17 pm
Yah, I actually committed Harry Karry in the 2nd match because at that point it was just so slow and boring. I think that if we stick to small maps say 20 x 20 and just tech 2 we will have a great time. I think t3 would be good too but no nukes or experimental units, just all out war. It would be hella fun. I am down for a game prolly on Friday night. Tonigh I just get home from out of town and need to do some family stuff.