Mobius wrote:Dolphin, if you had your way alot of people would be gone from these forums,
I know you probably won't believe this, but not really. The only people I think are ban-worthy are those like BlackHat, who's sole reason for existence here was to fight. I filed techie under the same category once he started with the "fuck you and your clique".
But not getting along with a few people is no grounds in my eyes to chuck someone off the boards. I wouldn't b7 rob today, for example, just because he and I don't get along a lot.
I see GL like this......imagine a huge group a friends and we're all out for a beer. While a few members of our group aren't crazy about a few others, it's generally a close group and we have fun. We're out for beers one night at a giant table and some drunk comes along and starts calling us all bunch of fucking assholes and starts pissing on the table. Would we say, "oh well, he has a right to be here" or would we say, "hey shithead, take a hike"?
That's kinda how I think when the BlackHat's come along. Not getting along with a few people? It happens. Telling the community as a whole to collectively go fuck ourselves....why are they here?