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Re: Dark fall

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:46 am
by JohnyRico
People I know who play, told me this.
Characters from the European server can be cloned and moved without their possessions 3 months after the American launch."

So if you wanted to play on the US servers and started on the EU servers, you get a nice kick in the ass. You get to wait 3 months to transfer. Or:

"In the meanwhile if you want to play on the American server at launch you need to buy the American Darkfall client."

Pay for the game again.

I understand that waiting period is for balance sake, and I agree with that. Sadly, if you want to play on the US server with your same guy, you get to wait 3 months, or you can continue playing but only your stats will carry over. Pay for 3 months of limited gameplay essentially. OR you can just start all over again with no waiting. And pay for the client again.

Seems like every existing player that wants to go to a US server gets shafted one way or another...

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:47 am
by Mobius
This game sounds more and more like a sham every time I hear about it since release.

Will mos def not play unless it blows me away when I finally do see it in action...

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:15 pm
by ID10T
Your a Sham Mobius hehe

Today the Xpac was released today

NA server going to be release on the 13th Next monday. Anyone else interested in this game?

Zero and I are going to move forward and start a Toon on Monday, let us know if your interested. I think Dragon might start but he hasn't confirmed yet?

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:29 am
by Dragonfire[AB]
i am not buying the game again it didnt at all entertain me, except trying to find ways to beat the system so i can go to sleep while my char lvs up and that not how any mmo should be played.

felt like a freaking hack script builder in that game.

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:11 am
by ID10T
I bought the NA-1 release last night, picked a new race ALfar. Man I had a good time. the graphic are awesome and the patch added so much. I was able to turn my graphics card up to 8X AA and all textures to High. I never got one frame studder. can't wait for a large battle to test it out.

I downloaded using AV patch updater system the default one got 1.4 to 1.8MB/s too only 2 hours to DL 9.6GB

Still not sure If I am going start a new guild but tonight I will know for sure, I will either join up with someone or start a new one. if your going to try it out Call me tonight at 886 5502. maybe we can hook up. the graphics are awesome, no other game can compair today, Even the MO is no better and has half the content. the new weather system is in the game, so if your wearing heavy armor it will slow you down in the wind. you have a new icon to tell you which way the wind is going. it will be a new tactic in PVP. in short if your wearing cloth or leather and your opponet is wearing heavy armor then you should be able to run into the wind and might get away but then again he can shoot you with arrows which can end you fast!!!

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:25 pm
by zeroumus
i am gonna hold off, I need to keep expenses low and my recent investment in a tf2 server is not helping. please keep us posted though

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:31 pm
by Ryzzen
Everyone liking this still? I see they have a special 87 bucks for the game and 6 months.

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:51 pm
by zeroumus
I THINK id10t was the only one who went hard core with it, i would like to hear from him on how it has turned out

Re: Dark fall

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:28 pm
by Ryzzen
Cool cool, I am probably going to pick this up sometime this week or next.