HallowLAN 2006

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Post by Decker »

don't you mean "el velocidad"
I'm a man. I do manly things. Like drink vodka straight, while doing 1 armed chin-ups, and punching baby bunnies. All at the same time.
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Post by kid652 »

Ok, I have asked this question about 4 times now, DO YOU WANT ME TO BRING A PROJECTOR????
Keith 'Kid652' Maceyocski

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Post by zeroumus »

how about just bring it just in case

Post by latency »

rob[GL] wrote: you'll believe what when you see it? that my machine can do 22,000 points in 3dmark05? i have a screenshot of it right here... just message me on msn and i'll send it to you...

or i can just do it live on friday night before any gaming starts happening...

Post by rob[GL] »

latency wrote:
rob[GL] wrote: you'll believe what when you see it? that my machine can do 22,000 points in 3dmark05? i have a screenshot of it right here... just message me on msn and i'll send it to you...

or i can just do it live on friday night before any gaming starts happening...
Quite obviously not you, so don't even bother posting a response. There ARE people that care, so stop being such an asshole. Not everybody here plays WoW but that doesn't stop you guys from talking about it... So what if Pete and I and some others enjoy discussing 3DMark??? There are entire communities committed to competition in 3DMark scores... I am part of the XS 3D team... So yeah, I enjoy talking about it.

I love you. Don't hate me because my computer is beautiful.

Post by latency »

"Listen up maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

It's all good rob. I just can't control my responses to 3Dmark bullshit. It's like some force takes me over and forces me to slam that useless benchmark program. I mean, I would just love it if you guys would show off your comps running actual games running butter smooth. That kinda shit is impressive, not some lame proggy running some proprietary POS 3d engine. Some ppl spend thousands of dollars (usually their parents money) just to squeeze an extra 200 3Dmarks so they can have bragging rights. It's just plain wrong.
Last edited by latency on Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spyhop »

The only use 3dmark has is using it as a 3D stress test on service machines. That's all we use it for. Mark means NOTHING. I once looked up benchmarks on the Radeon X1950XT vs Geforce 7950. (Or close to that, I might be remembering the exact cards wrong). The 1950 did a large amount better than the 7950 in all benchmarked real games. But the 7950 did slightly better in epeen mark. Moral of the story, 3dmark = bullshits.
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Post by Scald »

I gotta agree with you there
doesnt help that my motherboard is against alot of things
one being Ubuntu
and my 3dmark scores suck with it
damned ASUS :evil:
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Post by r337ard »

rob[GL] wrote:
latency wrote:
rob[GL] wrote: you'll believe what when you see it? that my machine can do 22,000 points in 3dmark05? i have a screenshot of it right here... just message me on msn and i'll send it to you...

or i can just do it live on friday night before any gaming starts happening...
Quite obviously not you, so don't even bother posting a response. There ARE people that care, so stop being such an asshole. Not everybody here plays WoW but that doesn't stop you guys from talking about it... So what if Pete and I and some others enjoy discussing 3DMark??? There are entire communities committed to competition in 3DMark scores... I am part of the XS 3D team... So yeah, I enjoy talking about it.

I love you. Don't hate me because my computer is beautiful.
WOW is a game, 3D Guessmark is a benchmark (not even a good one). You're at a LAN, play games you frickin tool!
You're right that there are communities of thousands who idolize this 5 day old megaturd, but there are also thousands of people who believe man has never been to the moon. The number of people who subscribe to an idea in no way validates it. The fact of the matter is Futuremark is making money hand over fist for developing the worst benchmark since the witch tests in Salem. Your mark in no way demonstrates the performance of your hardware, your overc(l)ock, your system tweaks, or even just your general knowledge of computers. It is just one of many venues for peen extrapolation with an arbitrary scoring system. You may as well time yourself peeing, multiply it by your BMI and add your elevation above sea level and post a community that thinks it is a measure of performance.
A limited supply of surprisingly, as this homeboy is poised for the big time. Sweet and pure like a honey coated nun, SOULS well sure he funky in the 70s.
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Post by Lucid »

There is only one benchmark that matters at GL lans

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Post by AlphaDrake »

My favourite benchmark is seeing how long it goes untill windows dies.

Post by rob[GL] »

I love you all, see you in a few hours...
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Post by PyroPete »

Finishing my costume as we speak. Just waiting for the first coat of paint to dry before I give it a second.
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Post by kid652 »

I just need to put on a second coat of searler before I am done....
Sorry, but I cant bring a projector, it turns out that the bulb inside of it blew out last night... Sorry about that.
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Post by fiber-optics »

if rob does the 3dmark

will sanction his leeching


he will miss my big black porn
punqewe wrote:could be worse...I mean you have to almost be psychic to figure out what Fiber's posts are. lol
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