HallowLAN 2K7 - October 26th - 28th, 2007

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Post by Spyhop »

Oh you lie! :lol:

I didn't even know Blood and Iron. I just remember how vehemently against mice like the MX700 you used to be. :D

"OPPS SORRY" accidental admin mistake
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Post by zeroumus »

i owned a mx700, I still own it and use it

sorry for accidently editing your post, simple admin mistake
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Post by Spyhop »

Who was it that was Mr.Anti-Wireless then? I was sure it was you.
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Post by zeroumus »

i am pretty sure i was just talking about blood&Iron and his pickyness, of which most a agree with, but anyway

Post by latency »

Dolphin wrote:
Peccavi wrote:Why would R6 run like shit?

It runs perfect for me at maxx'd resolutions/graphic settings.. never had any problems with it

i'm only ona 4600+ and 2x7900GTs
zero sees (or imagines :P) things in games most people don't. He swore for the longest time he could detect the latency difference in wireless RF mice. The rest of us just think he's a crotchety old man who doesn't like anything unless it's been around for at least 5 years. :lol:
i have to agree 100% ......

.... with zero. games today do run like shit. peoples standards have lowered by insane amounts. for me, running "good" is at least 120fps. just because some can't see (I can), you can def feel it. saying this really makes me miss my crt. i was watching techie play a game at the last lan and stopped to say "holy fuck that looks nice, you must have a crazy system to run it so smooth". The game was surreal smooth (some random fps), then then he told me he had a normal system, nothing fancy. Then it hit me, he has a CRT ... the whole time I couldn't figure it out until I noticed, I just assume everyone today has an LCD.
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Post by Spyhop »

I understand your viewpoint and can understand that some are more sensitive. 60hz is fine for me though, I really don't notice. I notice response time crappiness. I'm a big visual quality whore so I prefer LCDs over CRTs in that respect. But I don't notice issues with smoothness. If you can put up with mild tearing you can always disable vsync.

I've always found the newest games don't feel smooth even when I ran a CRT though. When UT2003 and CS:Source came out I felt the same about it as Jody now feels about R6:Vegas. One just gets used to the older games running at such and such framerate and when a game comes along that your existing hardware can only push at half the fps you're used to, you inevitably feel it. There will come a point when hardware will improve a bit, run R6:Vegas at a much higher framerate, it will feel smoother, everyone will attribute it to "well, the game ran like shit when it first came out, but now that they've patched it it seems to run better". Then a new, more graphically intense game will hit the shelves again, we'll be back down to 60 fps, rinse, repeat. It's always been the way.
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Post by fittysix »

An interesting point I thought I'd add to this whole 'feels smoother' conversation..

A little while ago I was testing out a serial card, and one of the few serial devices I had lying around was a serial mouse. For some reason that old serial ball mouse had the strangest smoothness to it that I couldn't quite place.. it might have been the serial, it might have been the ball, or it might have been the fact that the optical that was also attached just sucked.
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Post by zeroumus »

i have heard 3 people claim ball nice where better in their opinion.. I will stick with optical myself for now
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Post by Mobius »

ball mice have feedback of course they are better, but they have more moving parts and are more difficult to maintain (a ball mouse working at its best is better than an optical mouse, but ball mice are hit and miss)

thing is an optical mouse will work as good 2 years after you bought it as it did the day you bought it

optical mice dont degrade or get shittier with time for the most part, they usually just become un-usable and are discarded
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Post by latency »

mob just misses the feeling of balls under the palm of his hand because "it just feels better". :)
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Post by rob[GL] »


found this gem floating out on the internet
maybe a great watch at hallowlan
what does everyone else think
I was GL!
I am 780!
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Post by Dragonfire[AB] »

count me in if u still got room for me this filled up fast

Post by latency »

always room for you chris.
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Post by Dragonfire[AB] »

awsome thanks

also i got a lv 27 blood elf warlock on the gl hao(something) server if any 1 wants to hook me up with the rest of the glers
Last edited by Dragonfire[AB] on Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SneakyBastard »

yeah if theres any extra room id like to attend if not i mite just stop by.
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