Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:11 am
What: Rockband night at Grapes house
When: This Friday April 25th Time: 8 PM
Why: Why the 'F' not and because Kina is in town
Where: My place. 2103 54st NW in Edmonton.
Costs: Nothing other then what you want to bring to the party.
What to bring:
1) Bring your Own Beverage. From Water to Firewater is allowable.
2) You can do all the drugs you want ... outside my house ... preferably at your house if you feel the need to be chronic about this whole affair. Act like you are on something that seems to be a mix between drano and nutmeg and I will bounce you down the sidewalk.
3) If you have extra instruments for the PS3 bring a guitar. There currently is only one at the house. If you prefer the Guitar Hero 3 for the 360 then bring it instead. I have two guitars for the 360 one already but they are both for Rockband. Just announce it first so we dont have 15 guitars show up. That would be funny ... awesome ... but still funny.
Rule number 1: IF you get drunk at my place you can either 1) crash or 2) walk home. No exceptions to you driver types. Yes I have lots of room for crashing .... like 5 couches and a spare room.
Rule number 2: YOu will have to play Rockband. I expect to see you at least sing once ... if you dont want to try and instrument.
Rule number 3: You break my shit you buy me new shit!! hehe....with some exceptions as we all know the sets can be problematic.
Please note that I will have two full TVs set up for Rockband. One will have the 360 hooked up to it and the other will have likely a PS3 hooked up to it. Not sure where I am going to put the 2nd one but it could be down a level or around the corner in the dining room as that would give us alot of room to play.
Guest List: I am NOT limiting the number of people really but that will depend the number of people who want to come. I of course have limits on the population allowable in my little pad so speak up if you want in.
1) Grapes (cause he takes up the most room)
2) Dolphin .... well cause he can play rockband
3) JR ... cause you know he will want to play
4) Kina ... cause she wants me to have it and she is going back south after the weekend.
5) Mertz .... cause if he doesnt show ... well we would miss out on that singing voice of his.
6) Touque (totally against my snobish nature)
7) Wife of Touque (she knows where I live ... bow chica)
9) Whyte69
10) Scetr
11) Captain Happypants
12) Fiber
13) Mysterio
14) SneakyBastard ... but only because it is cool.
15) <James would be here but apparently he has gay plans on Friday .... >
When: This Friday April 25th Time: 8 PM
Why: Why the 'F' not and because Kina is in town
Where: My place. 2103 54st NW in Edmonton.
Costs: Nothing other then what you want to bring to the party.
What to bring:
1) Bring your Own Beverage. From Water to Firewater is allowable.
2) You can do all the drugs you want ... outside my house ... preferably at your house if you feel the need to be chronic about this whole affair. Act like you are on something that seems to be a mix between drano and nutmeg and I will bounce you down the sidewalk.
3) If you have extra instruments for the PS3 bring a guitar. There currently is only one at the house. If you prefer the Guitar Hero 3 for the 360 then bring it instead. I have two guitars for the 360 one already but they are both for Rockband. Just announce it first so we dont have 15 guitars show up. That would be funny ... awesome ... but still funny.
Rule number 1: IF you get drunk at my place you can either 1) crash or 2) walk home. No exceptions to you driver types. Yes I have lots of room for crashing .... like 5 couches and a spare room.
Rule number 2: YOu will have to play Rockband. I expect to see you at least sing once ... if you dont want to try and instrument.
Rule number 3: You break my shit you buy me new shit!! hehe....with some exceptions as we all know the sets can be problematic.
Please note that I will have two full TVs set up for Rockband. One will have the 360 hooked up to it and the other will have likely a PS3 hooked up to it. Not sure where I am going to put the 2nd one but it could be down a level or around the corner in the dining room as that would give us alot of room to play.
Guest List: I am NOT limiting the number of people really but that will depend the number of people who want to come. I of course have limits on the population allowable in my little pad so speak up if you want in.
1) Grapes (cause he takes up the most room)
2) Dolphin .... well cause he can play rockband
3) JR ... cause you know he will want to play
4) Kina ... cause she wants me to have it and she is going back south after the weekend.
5) Mertz .... cause if he doesnt show ... well we would miss out on that singing voice of his.
6) Touque (totally against my snobish nature)
7) Wife of Touque (she knows where I live ... bow chica)
9) Whyte69
10) Scetr
11) Captain Happypants
12) Fiber
13) Mysterio
14) SneakyBastard ... but only because it is cool.
15) <James would be here but apparently he has gay plans on Friday .... >