Dec 12,13,14 Weekend
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:53 pm
I am thinking about having another LAN Party for the Weekend of the 13th, Not sure how many people would show up cause of the Christmas season but I really need to kill something before the year end. you never know you might get another glimpse of Vivadiva slugging me in the chest again LOLOL... who said killing your Fiancée for personal gain in a video game was bad for your health... HEHEHE
Doors open Friday at 4:30PM and keep them open to Sunday at 8PM (get the hell out).
14048 38street House with a Orange PT ou front
780 886 5502
I have lots of space for people to crash but bring a Pillow and Sleeping bag would be wise
Sins has an Expansion Pack not sure if anyone is interested I would be willing to spend $9 to find out, it has to be working better by now????
GAMES that could be played
Supreme Commander
Sin of a solar Empire (with XPac would be nice)
Tom Clancy END WAR, (Maybe)
New Games Tom Clancy END WAR looks cool check out the Trailer, there are in games one as well. This might be the one guys, I should pick it up tonight...
1. ID10T
2. VivaDiva (maybe ) my slugger and personal gain in a game is worth it!
3. Gen Kraemer (maybe) One word only, TARGET!
4. Scetr Yes Scetr Scetr the guy that won't quit, damn man just give up~~!
5. Zeroumus The guy you love to HATE!!
6. Trythis1 The Turtle man is in the house
7. Ratton looking forward in crushing you
8. Grapeman about damn time!
9. JohnyRico (maybe)
10.BigBrotherDave Like a Ninja all quiet then BANG!!!
11.Dragonfire[AB] (maybe) you better come
12 Latency (maybe) might wimp out hehe
13 potential targets
14 potential Targets
Sunday morning I will supply Eggs, Bacon toast ( I am doubling up the bacon if Zero comes!! ) Saturday morning you’re on your own... because I am guessing only 2 or 3 people will stay overnight Friday night, but if attendance is up I could get more eggs and Bacon.
Doors open Friday at 4:30PM and keep them open to Sunday at 8PM (get the hell out).
14048 38street House with a Orange PT ou front
780 886 5502
I have lots of space for people to crash but bring a Pillow and Sleeping bag would be wise
Sins has an Expansion Pack not sure if anyone is interested I would be willing to spend $9 to find out, it has to be working better by now????
GAMES that could be played
Supreme Commander
Sin of a solar Empire (with XPac would be nice)
Tom Clancy END WAR, (Maybe)
New Games Tom Clancy END WAR looks cool check out the Trailer, there are in games one as well. This might be the one guys, I should pick it up tonight...
1. ID10T
2. VivaDiva (maybe ) my slugger and personal gain in a game is worth it!
3. Gen Kraemer (maybe) One word only, TARGET!
4. Scetr Yes Scetr Scetr the guy that won't quit, damn man just give up~~!
5. Zeroumus The guy you love to HATE!!
6. Trythis1 The Turtle man is in the house
7. Ratton looking forward in crushing you
8. Grapeman about damn time!
9. JohnyRico (maybe)
10.BigBrotherDave Like a Ninja all quiet then BANG!!!
11.Dragonfire[AB] (maybe) you better come
12 Latency (maybe) might wimp out hehe
13 potential targets
14 potential Targets
Sunday morning I will supply Eggs, Bacon toast ( I am doubling up the bacon if Zero comes!! ) Saturday morning you’re on your own... because I am guessing only 2 or 3 people will stay overnight Friday night, but if attendance is up I could get more eggs and Bacon.