GreatlanthatwilltalktalkedaboutforabitLAN 2009
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:38 am
K guys, it's a month away and the place is already booked and paid for. We have room for about 40 people but I would like at least 20, any more and it's a bonus.
When: Friday, April 3rd (2:00PM) - Sunday, April 5th (2:00PM)
Where: Gold Bar Community League 4620-105 Ave
Contact: Joe - 780.340.3171 or
Cost: $20
- No Liquor (and if you do, be very discreet and responsible about it)
- No drugs (do them offsite please).
- Please take care of the awesome new washrooms as you use them. If you make a mess, just clean it.
- We have a full pro kitchen to use, same rules apply as above.
- Sleep wherever you want but if you are known to snore, find another room (sorry Grapes ).
- I am responsible for this place and will have to cover any extra costs for repairs. Please don't rough house or act carelessly.
- If you bring a UPS, make sure it's already charged when you bring it! Please keep power use to a minimum. No dual monitors and 500 watt stereos.
- Headphones only please. I'll be the only one bringing speakers and it will be to play music while I setup and cleanup the LAN. Headphones ONLY! Thanks.
I have a feeling this place is gonna be a rockin' location to have HallowLAN, so lets make a great impression on the hall and neighborhood. If things go well, I'll be pre-booking HallowLAN as soon as this LAN is over.
What Games to Install: L4D, TF2, UT, UT2004, Armagetron, BF1942, COD(newest version), anything really. Just make sure you have TF2 as this will be pretty popular.
What to bring:
- Powerbar (a must)
- We have chairs but they are folding and suck. If you want comfort, bring your own chair or a pillow for your ass.
- Sleeping bag and blow up mattress (trust me, you'll need it)
- Food or enough cash to buy food for 3 days. There is a big fridge so feel free to use it.
- Your PC with LCD monitor. Please try not to bring a CRT. Borrow a LCD form someone if you have to.
Who's Coming:
01 - Joe (Latency)
02 - Chris **NO SHOW**
03 - Sphincter **NO SHOW**
04 - Dolphin **PAID**
05 - fitty **PAID**
06 - r337ard **PAID**
07 - zero
08 - Gwar **PAID**
09 - ratporn **NO SHOW**
10 - touque **PAID**
11 - James **NO SHOW**
12 - DragonTC **PAID**
13 - Ridiculous Breakfast **PAID**
14 - grapes **PAID**
15 - fibrerer **NO SHOW**
16 - dragonfire **PAID**
17 - kookie**PAID**
18 - ki **NO SHOW**
19 - locus
20 - scetr **PAID**
21 - black nexus
22 - winchester
23 - gomer **PAID**
24 - Id10T **PAID**
25 - VivaDiva **PAID**
26 - raven[ab] **NO SHOW**
27 - trythis1 **PAID**
28 - Bigbrotherdave **PAID**
29 - kirika **PAID**
30 - whyte **PAID**
31 - Mobius **NO SHOW**
32 - Captain!!!! **PAID**
33 - Maleb!!!! **NO SHOW**
34 - Duff **PAID**
35 - Kal **PAID**
36 - Rochelle **PAID**
Tentative Folks:
01 - Alphadrake
02 - skyedemon