First Impressions
Ok, the first thing I noticed was fight all around me, people spawning covered in Blood, Somewhat cool. It took me a long time to figure out the interface, if you’re looking for a wow cook cutter then walk away now. And don’t do what I did, at the beginning of the game you get 6 tool tips “FN” read them it is important. Once I figured out how to move and get my sword out it moved towards a goblin area, where about 10 others are waiting for spawns, surprisingly the spawn rate was very fast and kept everyone occupied. Within the first 5 minutes of slashing and gashing, I hit another play, OOOOOO bad stuff, I immediately turn Grey with a big icon above my head so I run cause I really don’t know what this mean so just to be on the save side I book it fast. 7 seconds later it wears off and I am back fighting. You can kill your town team mates by accident and heal the enemy by mistake. This is a 100% skill base game, Might take me a month to get good at this.
Loot was huge compared to Guild war or WOW. Gold seem pretty easy to get. So I have been fighting one particular mob for a bit and decide to run into town and I find a bank very close to the door. Figuring I had to buy a slot or pay something I open for me, wow a free bank. So because I am cautious and paranoid, I put one Item in it walk back then got back to it to see if it was still there hehehe. In this game your get paranoid fast, this is a 100% PVP game, you can be killed in town by your own race. So everyone in the game seems to be out to get you. I was very cautious maybe too much but whatever right? So I drop all my stuff I want to keep in the bank and find a vendor. My trash makes me 120g I was impressed. I pick up some quest, now Note there is no Icon above buddies head, I was just talking with every NPC I see. The starter town is huge maybe twice the size of Ogrimar, it was so big that I think I only saw a small part of it. I run out back to the same area, all the while learning new skills, there are no Levels in the game, so if you want to be a sword wielding caster you can. You build your toon any way you want.
I bought a staff looking thing because if you’re holding a sword you can’t cast anything or at least I didn’t know how too. So once I figure out how to shoot, I start lighting up the town hehehe. I run out to fight more goblins, now wow this is hard, not easy at all to fight this way. The bolts are much slower than arrow so hitting mobs is very hard and require skill, after fight a bit, and not noticing my health I get killed and I have a lot of loot, this is sad, A guy revives me but I can’t figure out how to hit yes for some reason, the UI is very hard. So after about 30 seconds I am dead cause I can’t hit the dang YES button very frustrating. I try to run back to my Tombstone but there is like 50 of them around so it is not easy to find mine, but of course It was looted completely. I felt raped but low in behold a guy comes up to me and gives me my crappy stuff back, I was shocked. Cause really all I heard about this game is your going to be killed a lot and walking around naked.
First person view, when you’re casting or shooting arrows you see your hands and cross hairs, very hard to fight like this considering I am from wow UI, total different, fighting with a sword or melee weapon is much easier, I might stick to this for now.
I am a ORC, not sure if I will stick with them or not, Might go with the dog people I forget their name, something like Mirimhn. Just doing anything in the game give you skills, still not sure if you have to place them or not. But I know my two handed Axe is 8.93 hehehe
I won’t be playing much this weekend as I am having a lan part. I will try to give another update by Friday ish.
I need to find out, how to auto switch from sword to staff or Bow, must be a faster way. Glad I have gaming pad couldn’t imagine doing all that with a keyboard.
How to hit YES on the screen when someone is trying to revive you COMPLETE FAIL ON MY PART
Save up 500 gold get my riding mount might only take 2 to 3 hours. Not sure if you get a mount or not but that is how much it is to get the skill hehehe.
Get into a guild as fast as I can, I am done being a guild leader, I will never do that shit again, way to hard when your guild is so big.
Figure out how to buy stuff from the Auction house that I never did find. I hope it isn’t like Guild wars where they spam their stuff.
So far it was a good experience, looking forward to playing it again. And about damn time I can play a game with good graphic, I was really getting tired of cartoons hehehe. I will be keeping my wow account for at least another 6 months.
wish it was a better review, but it is all the time I have.
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